Sunday, June 21, 2009

Infosys, Wipro and Innovatrix are competing !

It was in my 4th Year, when I was in the Training and Placement Cell of my college. I had access to the HR of most IT companies and a few very informal moments with them. The guys from each company had a one liner to hook the students to their company. The lines like... "Once you have a degree, cash it! Then do your MBA" were winners. I did not understand what craze freelance writers, graphic designers, dancers and music lovers had in IT companies. Everybody is not the same, and so are their qualities. Most of them had unique talents but did not have the heart to follow it. They were debarred of the bigger picture and did not have the guidance to go after them. This is at least what I thought till the college days.

I always thought that my real struggle will be to get new clients for the company, to expand the business and explore new avenues. These things are as important but the last few years have made me think otherwise. Since my college days I knew the imporatance of a good team. In those days, it was diffcult to ask everbody to give their 100%. They had their own commitments to study and other personal ones. It was difficult to motivate them and people kept on dropping every year from the team which was very disheartening.

I never thought my competitors are Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Accenture!! I know whats on your mind, these guys are so big and I am so small that even if they sneeze i would be snuffed out! But it is not that I am fighting them eye to eye but their policies that have taken the young minds. It is the AC offices, larger than life work place, promises to go abroad on site and all this at the cost of job dissatisfaction and punching down their passion in life. These things do not seem that important as everybody seems to be doing it. Eveybody makes compromises with their passion and follows a path that will lead them to a comfortable life. They seem to take advice of their parents who take the advice of other parents and family friends. This advice chain continues on and on and eventually nobody knows who gave advice to whom in the first place, under what circumstances and for what purpose. If two people can't be the same, how can the same advice be given to both?

When we compare a start-up to an MNC. Sure, everybody is concerned about the risk. But nobody sees it this way. You work for yourself in a start-up, your working day and night gives results that reflects directly upon you. You work on what you are best at and increase your skills with each milestone. When you see yourself after years you will see that you have become what you always wanted to be and you will be doing what you always wanted to do.

I know everytime someone from my team goes MNC hunting, it would be disappointing to see them miss a great opportunity in their life. I will stay the course and keep moving forward.

There is a line from border I always remember....

Chaman mein ittelaate range bu se baat banti hai, hum hee hum hain to kya hum hain, tum hee tum ho to kya tum ho?


Unknown said...

:) Very plausible and valid argument! But then the muck runs deeper than it seems and a certain way-of-thinking that has become a part of our DNAs will change only if there are more entrepreneural success stories. It is a cycle, hope we are at the end of the tunnel!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i fully agree sir...these indian social mentality of risk less ventures makes stagnation in growth of human's real behavior and his options in choosing his own confer ..

Anonymous said...

Very nice article sir, It reminds me of my own situation, truly said that the same advice can't be given to every1 because every1 is not the same, but when will this society understand this don't know...
