Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Neo Entrepreneur

In my five years in an entrepreneurial venture I have seen very few people who really know themselves. When I say know themselves, it does not mean a favorite color, favorite movie star or a favorite car. Rather, I mean knowing about how you would react to certain situations when you face them. It is only in adverse situations that the real character of a person comes out.

Entrepreneur, the word, has always been associated with adjectives like brave, visionary and a person who has met eye to eye with every adverse situation and always looked ahead. We have seen a lot of Entrepreneurs create fortune from a mere idea. In earlier times the information and goods did not travel as fast as they travel now. The competition has increased immensely with increase in technology, emerging of the web and more resources at disposal.

This is where the Neo Entrepreneur rises. The new breeds of entrepreneurs have to update themselves with technology and protect their idea against all adversities. It is a known fact that if you don’t grow, you stultify. The Neo Entrepreneur knows that in this age, you need to grow faster and thus arises a need to learn the new challenges technology brings up.

The technology is a major concern for new age entrepreneurs. Most of the new business ideas since the year 2000 are related to the web. So the companies who have been related to web design and development have also been acting as consultants. There are a lot of budding entrepreneurs who wish to start or migrate a new product line or a new service on the web, who do not have an idea of the capabilities of the web platform. So the development company who act as their consultant tries to impose in a lot of products explaining them how they would benefit from promotional packages. Since these companies did not come up with the idea, they are not responsible for the outcome. So knowing about your product/ idea offline is as important as exploring it online. A preliminary research of various companies associated with a similar product is necessary, not just on the website but about the business models.

When you have a new idea, you are very secretive about it. You enter a very paranoid state where you are not sure if you should share your business idea as it can be duplicated. I remember an incident with a friend of mine who wanted to start a Tea Chain where he would supply different types of teas. The idea was new for a smaller city and it would have been very popular amongst the tea drinking population. The landlord of the premises he wished to rent, forced him to discuss the idea as the landlord made him believe that unless he understands what my friend is doing he wont be satisfied that he will be able to pay rent. So he went ahead and discussed it. After the discussion the landlord stalled my friend for a few days and then turned him down. After 2 months we saw a similar looking Tea Shop opened in his premises. Since it was a new idea, it was an instant hit. Although, after a few months, he could not sustain the losses due to poor service and bad planning that led to his downfall and the place had to shut down.

There are a lot of entrepreneurs who think that if anyone else can do this, it was not worth doing it. So he shares his ideas openly with people, giving them a first mover’s advantage. On the contrary if we take an example of Steve Jobs and his secrecy of launching products with a lot of speculations and no one knowing the actual design and features, looks like a better model. Also since he controls the iPhone app development platform, his USP is exclusivity besides innovation.

Not everyone is apple and even apple in the starting days had to collaborate with a lot of different companies for the development of its product line. The famous example of Apple working with Microsoft and as a result Windows launched worldwide before the Macintosh with a similar look and feel is a known fact. Steve jobs then did not care about the contract; his mind seduced him into believing in his innovative and exclusive product line and simply ignored the simple business facts that led to his downfall.

The ignorance is not bliss for a Neo Entrepreneur. If you have a vision or idea, you have to protect it. You cannot let your mind or heart take control of you. It has to be a balanced state all the time, since there will be times when you have to believe more in your idea than the facts! Sharing an idea is not bad at all as you will get a perspective into the various areas or situations you failed to notice. It is very important for a Neo Entrepreneur to collaborate with various entities for a faster growth, thus a compulsory need to share an idea. This new age inorganic growth model is a big advantage for a startup provided there are no lose ends. The collaboration is due to expertise of various companies/people in their fields to ensure the quality of products or the process and it increases the speed of execution with very less resources at disposal. Thus, the startups have started offering shares as compensation for the services provided to various partners.

Another major aspect for the Neo Entrepreneur is Patents. Most of the patents that are filed for a software service do not stand when disputed in the court. Since a minor change in the code makes the whole source code invalid as a patent, you should avoid patenting the source code of the software. The actual thing that can be patented is an idea, which has to be structured as a method or a process while filing a patent.  I would cite one example of my own business group, who owned a company and had patented this idea of a website and the process. Due to some financial dispute, the team associated with the website decided to separate from the investor and start a similar service with the same connections. They were challenged in court by the investors and the team had to finally shut down operations. The patent document was so precise that no duplication of the process was possible.

Since the world around you changes faster than you can comprehend, the only thing to learn is that change is constant. You need to change from being an Entrepreneur to a Neo Entrepreneur, a far more balanced breed of innovators and creators. You need to learn about the change in policies, technology and new competitors (which can give you nightmares sometimes) and be fast to comprehend. Being an entrepreneur is about knowing your limits and then going beyond. It is a rigorous process where you should have a hunger to explore new ventures and in the process know yourself! One thing I have learned lately is that during this process of knowing yourself, your paths will cross spirituality and yogic sciences. It is an endless pool of knowledge, which gives you the wisdom to understand that since you cannot change how the world behaves around you, what you should change is yourself. So get out there, the world awaits a Neo Entrepreneur.